500 Bright Words: we have our winner

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Back in April, as part of our Keeping in touch initiative we launched 500 Bright Words.

Helping to bring some much needed positivity to less than positive situation, the short story competition challenged students to write about a humorous experience or to tell us something good which has come out of the current coronavirus pandemic.

Read the winning entry; "The Legendary Loo-roll" by Bright World student, Jayden Seributra below and hear what our judges had to say about the writing skills that won him 1st prize and a £100 Amazon voucher.

Listen to our 500 Bright Words Podcast

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Our panel of expert judges meet the winner of our short story competition. Listen as special guest narrator, Stephen Roberts from Study Travel Magazine brings the winner's story to life.

The Legendary Loo Roll by Jayden Seributra

DING! My phone chimed. I quickly pulled it out of my pocket and a text from my mum who was at the hospital, potentially tending to coronavirus patients had appeared. It read: Harry, don’t forget to clean up the loft. I sighed and turned the TV off. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and by the time I got to the top, I was out of breath. I probably ate too many biscuits today! The loft smelled of unspeakable things. In front of a windowpane, there was a chest hidden away by garbage bags. I had to hold my nose as I opened the chest. It creaked open with a click. Inside was an ancient tome. Beside it, was a loo roll. A LOO ROLL! Yes, you heard that right, a loo roll! I picked up the tome and blew the dust off and nearly died of allergy to dust. Imagine that, death by a book! I skimmed to the last page of the tome and it read: ‘The roll contains an incredible amount of power, use it wisely.’ I pointed at the roll.

“Activate.” Nothing. It wasn't working. I needed to find out a way to start it. Suddenly, something came crashing through the loft, sending shards of woods flying everywhere. I was sent sprawling on the ground. My eyes were full of dust and I could barely see. I crawled to a corner desperately, trailing my hand along the wall for guidance. I backed up in the corner and looked up. A figure clad in a black robe. He strode over to me, reached for his leg strap and pulled out a pocket knife which menacingly snapped open. The figure spoke. A raspy voice.

“Give it to me.” I looked at the man, puzzled.

“I don’t know what you’re looking for!” He snarled and brought his knife to my throat.

“The Legendary Loo Roll! Give it!” I laughed.

“Oh, that?” I pointed to the chest. “Yeah, have it.” He walked over to the chest and knelt. The chest opened with a familiar click. A gasp.

“I have found it at last!” He then raised his knife as if to stab the roll. I silently tiptoed over to behind him and kicked his bum. He was sent crashing through the window and down to the ground below. I winced as I heard him hit the ground and his bones cracking.

“AGH!” The roll sprang to life. “Thank you for saving my life! I am now bound to you in a contract and have to grant you a wish. Yay.” The roll said in a deadpan voice. I looked at the roll in utter disbelief.

“Y-You can speak?” I could feel the roll’s frustration vibrate.

“Yes, you idiot! I am the Legendary Loo Roll! I just told you that I can grant you one wish and that’s the first thing you say?”

“Oh, yeah.” Hours ticked by as I thought long and hard. I want to make a difference by distributing positive energy in the world. Through these hard times, we need to support each other so; “I wish for people to find compassion and kindness in themselves to give it to each other”.

Comments from our panel of expert judges

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