Bright World is now in its fourth year of operating a unique alternative to host family stay for boarding school students during the half term holidays. The Relax & Revise programme has proven to be a very flexible and enjoyable alternative for those who choose it.
What makes Relax & Revise unique is that we manage to create a residential programme in an environment that has a homely and family feel about it. Cambridge Melchoir College (CMC), where the courses are run, is a large house in the village of Willingham on the outskirts of Cambridge.
The village is quiet and safe and provides the perfect base for students wishing to have a good rest, revision time and some fun on their half term. Programmes are available in October, February and May half terms as well as the Easter school holidays.
For those students who do not want to stay in a host family or go to a structured academic programme during their school holidays, Relax & Revise at CMC really does offer the perfect solution.
Students' ages range from 12 - 17 at the centre and it is a challenge to find the right formula to keep everybody happy. Michael Voice, the Principal of CMC, interprets each student's needs and really goes out of his way to make the programme right for everybody.
Students on Relax & Revise are at different stages of their education. For some, they do not have any big examinations during the year as they are in Year 10 and below. Others are in their GCSE or IGCSE year or need to do A level revision so for them, time and space to study is much more important.
The excursions are not compulsory for those who are 16 or over. This allows for them to make the programme more study-focussed. However, great days out and shopping trips are available throughout the week where everybody goes along or just a small group of the cohort join the trip.